We can provide a complimentary inspection of your landscape to determine the overall health of the landscape, identify specific tree diseases, and recommend any needed tree services to preserve the vitality of your property.
Environmentally Safe Control of Insects and Disease using EPA Approved Materials
Any tree that is weak or stressed is susceptible to attack by pests or diseases. Any infested tree should be treated or removed immediately in order to prevent the spread of the pests or diseases to other trees.
The best way to prevent pests and diseases is to ensure that your tree is receiving everything it needs for healthy growth. Mr. Arbor can assess the condition of your soil, tree and foliage to make sure it is healthy and make recommendations to help prevent against attack.
In the case of an already infected tree, while preferring to not use pesticides and chemicals for the treatment of diseases or insect attack, Mr. Arbor realizes there may be conditions that require their use. We will design a specialized program for your trees and shrubs that manages the spread of harmful insects and disease that minimize the use of chemicals.
We help your landscape flourish by providing professional pruning and trimming services. We focus on the safety, integrity, appearance, and health of your trees. Professional pruning preserves the tree’s strength and health. Well cared for trees are attractive and add value to your property. Poorly maintained trees can be a significant liability.
Our pruning services improve the overall shape and health of the tree by removing branches that rub, interfere or obstruct. All dead, diseased or damaged branches and limbs that create a hazard to the health of the tree are removed.
We help your landscape flourish by providing professional pruning and trimming services. We focus on the safety, integrity, appearance, and health of your trees. Professional pruning preserves the tree’s strength and health. Well cared for trees are attractive and add value to your property. Poorly maintained trees can be a significant liability.
Our pruning services improve the overall shape and health of the tree by removing branches that rub, interfere or obstruct. All dead, diseased or damaged branches and limbs that create a hazard to the health of the tree are removed.
Free Estimate and Consultation!
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Serving Marin & Sonoma Since 2004
Copyright © 2022 Mr Arbor Tree Care. All Rights Reserved. Website: ARRICA Design
Locally Owned and Operated – Fully Licensed, Bonded and Insured. Lic. #879282